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What are nanocosmetics? They are cosmetics containing nanoparticles. All Leorex products are nanocosmetics because they contain silica nanoparticles.
First of all, what is a nanoparticle? Think of a millimeter. Ten dimes equal one centimeter, which is about a half inch or the width of your pinky finger. Imagine one thousandth of it. This is a micrometer. Now divide that by another thousand and we get a nanometer. Naturally, a particle this size cannot be seen, especially with the naked eye. How could such a teeny tiny thing be such a big deal?
Nanophysics is the study of nanoparticles. Their use in cosmetics is cutting-edge.
Many well-known cosmetics brands include nanocomponents and chemical enhancers to facilitate the penetration of active substances deep into the skin and blood. Nanoparticles easily penetrate cells and deliver active substances to the deeper layers of the epidermis (unlike conventional cosmetics, which do not pass through the stratum corneum and have only a superficial effect). Nanocosmetics’ safety has not yet been proven. After all, nanoparticles are so small that they penetrate cell membranes, and the body does not know how to remove these foreign elements.
Unlike nanocosmetics, Leorex products do not introduce foreign nanoparticles into the blood. Its action is based not on chemical, but on physical processes. The innovative Leorex technology allows you to create a nano-lattice of silica particles on the skin. This instantly improves microcirculation of blood in the capillaries and creates ideal conditions for rejuvenation, restoration, hydration and nutrition of skin cells.
However, due to the use of silica nanoparticles in its composition, Leorex products are nanocosmetics. Silica is silicon dioxide, which is extremely common in nature, including the human body. At Haifa Technion, a unique technology was developed and patented that creates a grid of silica nanoparticles on the surface of the skin and instantly removes microscopic "creases" that interfere with the passage of blood flow and restores blood microcirculation in the capillaries. Invisibly, applied silica is stored on the skin for 10-12 hours. What’s happening? The epidermal cells actively receive moisture and nutrition, which means they recover and begin to produce their own youthful proteins - collagen and elastin. This rejuvenation accumulates over time, and there is an instant visible result - the skin looks refreshed, rejuvenated and tighter!
Please note that the instructions of Leorex preparations always indicate the need to activate the contents of the sachet. To do this, massage the bag well. After stretching it in your hands, the three-dimensional structure of silica is destroyed. Next, apply the mask to your skin. When the nano-substance interacts with the skin, the particles “remember” their initial structure and they begin to straighten, physically “stretching” the skin. Thus, wrinkles are actually smoothed out and blood circulation is restored.
The effect of using Leorex products is instant and simply amazing. To prevent aging and rejuvenate your skin, repeated use is recommended.
Leorex is unique and absolutely safe.